Breast Reduction Surgery

Plastic Surgery


Breast reduction surgery can be a possibility for you if your breast size is bothering you or if you want smaller breasts for aesthetic reasons.

It’s crucial to talk with a surgeon before undergoing this treatment and You should be aware of the potential advantages and disadvantages of this kind of surgery before deciding if it’s good for you.

What is the procedure for breast reduction?

The goal of breast reduction surgery, which also known as mammaplasty, is to reduce the size and weight of your breasts by making cuts in your skin. The procedure may also lessen sagging if chosen for cosmetic reasons.

The procedure improves your breast form and the size of your breasts overall in addition to raising your nipples and breast higher on your chest.


Why to consider breast reduction surgery?

A variety of considerations go into the decision to get breast reduction surgery. While some choose to undergo this procedure solely for cosmetic reasons, others may desire smaller breasts to deal with a physical discomfort, such as: chronic back pain; breast pain during exercise and other activities; persistent rashes beneath and between your breasts; slumped posture; issues from bras, such as shoulder dents from bra straps; and difficulty with how certain clothing, such as shirts and swimsuits, fits.

A breast reduction may also lessen any emotional suffering that comes with having large breasts due to any potential physical discomforts you might experience on a regular basis. A higher quality of life could result from such factors.


Who is the best candidate for breast reduction?

You can find out if you’re a good candidate for breast reduction by consulting a plastic surgeon. The most common reason people choose to have this procedure is chronic back discomfort.

Most breast operations are performed on adults. However, certain teenagers may also be eligible for a breast reduction if they have severe discomfort for a year or more, and if they continue to have the same breast size for at least a year.

You should also think about your general health and whether you smoke or engage in any other behaviors that can hinder your recovery.


What happens during a breast reduction procedure?

General anesthesia, which is when a mix of chemicals called anesthetics are used to put you in a sleep-like state before a surgery or other medical procedure, is utilized to perform the majority of breast reduction surgeries.

Your breasts are directly cut through by the surgeon so that extra tissue, skin, and fat can be removed. After that, your breasts are resized, and the wounds are stitched up.

Surgeons can use one of the following methods for this procedure:

  • Vertical (“lollipop”) reduction. In this method, a vertical incision is made from the bottom of the areola, or dark skin ring around the nipple, to the bottom of the breast fold, and a further circular incision is made around the edge of the areola. This method is best for moderate breast reduction and noticeable sagging.
  • Reducing with “inverted T” technique. With this procedure, the surgeon uses the same incisions as the lollipop reduction surgery, plus an additional incision along the crease below the breast. This type of surgery is best suited for larger size reductions or when breast sagging or asymmetry is more pronounced.
  • Liposuction. If you want to reduce your breasts slightly, your surgeon may recommend liposuction. This is a less invasive procedure that removes a small amount of fat. However, if there is a large amount of adipose tissue, sagging, or asymmetry, this method is not recommended.

Another possible option is to combine a breast lift with breast augmentation. Most commonly used for aesthetic reasons, this surgery involves traditional breast reduction surgery in conjunction with implants to achieve the desired shape and reduce the risk of sagging.


What does recovery look like after breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction is a major surgical procedure. Therefore, it is important to allow enough time for recovery to allow proper healing. The practice may end with a drainage tube that needs treatment. These tubes keep fluid from accumulating at the surgical site and usually stay for several days.

You may be able to go home on the day of your surgery, but plan to take a full week off from work or school.

Your doctor or health care professional will tell you to take prescription pain relievers for a few days after the procedure and over-the-counter pain relievers for several weeks if needed. Your chest will be bandaged to control bleeding and swelling, and you will be sent home wearing a surgical bra.

Pain, swelling and soreness are to be expected at first. You can return to most of your normal activities within 3 to 4 weeks, but you may be limited to light walking for the first few weeks after breast reduction surgery.

Also, it takes time to fully realize the effect of breast reduction. The breast may swell initially during healing, but may feel light for her first 2-3 months. Overall, it can take up to a year for your breasts to fully soften.

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