Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck helps get rid of excess fat and loose skin. It also allows to tighten muscle tissues in stomach wall. This cosmetic procedure is very popular after being pregnant or after huge weight loss. Most patients who go through Abdominoplasty say that this procedure helped enhance their self confidence.

Should I consider a Tummy Tuck?

Well, you can consider getting this procedure if you have excess flab or skin in your abdomen. It is also a very good choice if you cannot get rid of tummy flab with strict diet or exercise.

Pregnancy and massive weight loss can significantly change the way that your abdominal muscle tissue looks. If you feel that your sticking out belly is unflattering or your self esteem is being affected, you may consider getting a tummy tuck.

What results can I expect?

Abdominoplasty can restore a flat tummy and you’ll look better in clothes. You can also enjoy a youthful contour and younger looking body after the procedure.

How is a Tummy Tuck carried out?

This surgical operation allows you to remove extra fats and tighten your abdominal muscles. You could discuss any issues you have concerning the procedure during the initial consultation with the Doctor.


The Doctor will draw marks your abdomen to suggest the exact areas of the incisions. The shape and length of the incisions required in the course of the procedure depends on the amount of excess skin and fat that needs to be removed.


A general anesthetic will be injected before an incision is made. In case you require a mini tummy tuck, The Doctor will use a smaller incision. Medications will be given to you to make you relaxed during the surgery. The doctor will make the choice among which kind of general anesthesia is going to be used IV sedation, relying for your medical condition.


The skin from your abdominal wall will be lifted to get rid of excess fats and the underlying abdominal muscle tissue are repaired. sometimes supporting incisions are important to remove excess skin in the upper abdomen.


once the preferred quantity of excess skin and fat is eliminated, skin adhesives and sutures can be used to close skin incisions. A successful tummy tuck process will result in a flatter abdomen that is more proportionate together with your body type and weight.

Tummy Tuck healing

After the surgery, the doctor applies dressings and bandages to speed up the healing process. You might be recommended a compression garment to lessen swelling and support the stomach muscle tissues.


Keep in mind that you’ll be given post surgery care instructions to speed up the recovery process and decrease the possibilities for infection. You will also be guided about the medication you need to apply or take orally to lessen infection and speed up healing.


The final outcomes of the tummy tuck process may be seen once the initial swelling and bruising subsides. You will be standing tall and confident to your new look within a week or two. To recognize extra about the tummy tuck technique and whether or not it may meet your desires, contact us and get more details.