Gastric bypass surgery

A gastric bypass can help you lose weight by reducing hunger and reducing the size of your stomach. Here’s what you need to know about this weight loss surgery.

If you’re struggling to lose weight, have serious weight-related health problems, or feel like nothing’s working, gastric bypass surgery may improve your health and life.

What is gastric bypass surgery?

A gastric bypass can help you lose weight in three ways:

  1. It may reduce the size of the stomach, reducing the size of the meals you can eat and reducing hunger.
  2. Your digestive system will work differently, reducing the amount of food you can absorb.
  3. It diverts food through a smaller part of the digestive system.

To do this, the surgeon pinches the top of the stomach from below and reduces it to about 30 milliliters. The surgeon then divides the upper part of the small intestine and removes part of it. From there, connect the small intestine to the newly formed stomach. Finally, the surgeon connects the newly cut portion of the small intestine to the lower portion of the small intestine. This allows digestive enzymes and stomach acid to mix with food, but reduces the amount of food your body can absorb.

How does a gastric bypass work?

Gastric bypass surgery usually takes 2 to 3 hours and is
performed while you are asleep under anesthesia.

Reduction in stomach size
Diversion of the gastrointestinal tract

Reduction in stomach size

In the first part of gastric bypass surgery, the surgeon
seals (and sometimes removes) a small portion of the stomach from the rest of
the stomach. Then sew or staple new smaller pieces together to make a small
pouch about the size of a walnut. This new little pouch can hold about 1 ounce
of food compared to a normal stomach which normally holds about 3 pints.11

Diversion of the gastrointestinal tract

The second stage of gastric bypass bypasses part of the
digestive tract and attaches a new pouch to the intestine. This allows food to
« bypass » most of the stomach and part of the intestines. Reducing the
amount of food your stomach can hold and altering your food intake can help you
eat less and feel full more quickly.6

mini gastric bypass

A mini gastric bypass works like a traditional gastric
bypass, but bypasses less of the intestine. This procedure shrinks the stomach
and reroutes the gastrointestinal tract, takes less time, is less complicated,
and has fewer complications. Not many surgeons have.3

Mini-gastric bypass, originally developed by him in 1997,
has recently become more popular.3

Is gastric bypass surgery reversible?

Yes, gastric bypass surgery is reversible. However, gastric
bypass reversal is complex and the procedure is not fully reversible.4

Gastric bypass surgery advantages

Reduced risk of weight-related health problems, including cardiovascular disease and her type 2 diabetes

  • Decreased risk of death
  • Reduce weight embarrassment
  • Improving mental health, such as reducing depression and improving body image for some people
  • Less frustration about weight, making it harder to lose weight and avoid overeating